Archive for 2018

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Expanded the Pack – Meet Mia

Meet Mia | Lexi & Lady

Meet Mia | Lexi & Lady Meet Mia | Lexi & Lady

It’s true, the hubs and I have added to our pack. We have had Lexi for over 8 years now and have talked about adding another pup to the mix for a long time. It never seemed like the right time, but before Thanksgiving the hubs brought it up again and we thought it would be a good chance to give it a shot. He started researching local breeders and we managed to find one in Alvarado, TX (about 3 hours from us) who had a good reputation in the miniature schnauzer world and had a puppy available immediately. We drove up on Sunday, December 2, met the breeder and this sweet pup and obviously didn’t leave without her haha

She is 4 months old, born on July 26 and weighs just over 8 lbs. She is super cuddly so the hubs and I love that. Mia’s fur is super thick and a little wild at the moment. Seemed mean to give her a schnauzer cut in the winter so we left her scruffy haha She has a spunky personality and keeps us (and Lexi) on our toes. The verdict is still out on whether or not Lexi likes her. She seems concerned about her if Mia is whining, but also doesn’t want Mia in her bubble. Guess it will take awhile to adjust. Any words of wisdom (read as encouragement) for us?

You won’t see much of Mia on social media. She is currently at The Mannered Mutt in Willis for training. It is an intensive live-in training for 6 weeks. I’m sad I won’t get to spend all of her “puppy” time with her, but I know in the long run having a well trained dog is going to be good. The hubs and I trained Lexi ourselves and she’s done well, but there are things we wish we would have done differently so Mia is that opportunity.

Mia plus the training was a Christmas gift to ourselves and I think she’s going to be a great addition to our pack!

Until next post…xoxo Becca

Monday, November 12, 2018

Red Hair

Red Hair | Lexi & Lady

Red Hair

Did the title of this post give it away?! If not that, then the picture did 😉 So I did a thing haha Last Monday’s blog post I mentioned that November 5 is National Love Your Red Hair Day. I already had an appointment for Tuesday to get my hair colored. Two and a half hours in the salon produced this! I won’t lie, it has taken some time to get used to because it’s much redder and darker than I expected, but I do like it.

Being a red head has always been part of my defining features. It makes me sad that people started to question whether or not I was a redhead. Anyone who has been around a natural ginger knows what to look for I guess. I couldn’t think of a better way to enter the holiday season than to bring back that red color. Thanks Kaci!

Fall Y’all

In other news, it is finally cold here (Texas cold anyway) and I have been loving my sweaters and knee high boots. Fall/winter is my favorite time of year for fashion so I’m sure you are going to see more posts from me. To be honest, I am really uninspired in the summer. Texas is hot and miserable, who wants to try to look cute when your makeup is going to melt off and your outfit is going to cling to your sweat…not me! Just being real.

Can you believe Thanksgiving is around the corner? Next week to be exact! Goodness I don’t know what happened to 2018. Some coworkers and I were talking about what family Thanksgiving looks like for each of us and it was decided we should all capture the shenanigans and share through our team’s Snapchat haha I said I should vlog the whole day, but the hubs won’t be there and he is my video/tech guru.

As far as menu items and recipes go, this pumpkin cheesecake is still my favorite recipe for Thanksgiving. Give it a try, I promise it will be a winner.

Side notes, if you love fall, you need to get this candle from Bath and Body Works. It’s everything fall wrapped into one beautiful scent.

Random Ramblings (mini version)

The hubs is doing well in his new job and is still enjoying it. Lexi is still a bundle of energy (although currently snuggling with me as I write this).

That’s all for now, about to head to The Woodlands for lunch with friends and then dinner with the family. Still celebrating the hubs’ birthday…13 days later (insert eye roll).

Until next post…xoxo Becca

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