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Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Can You Write Your Way Out of an Emotional Funk?

A month ago I came across an article on Facebook called You Can Write Your Way Out of an Emotional Funk. Here’s How. by Dr. Susan David (an excerpt from her book, Emotional Agility). I thought it was an interesting article. How many times have you found yourself in a “funk” and not feeling like yourself? It happens to the best of us! The article got me thinking, people used to write in diaries or journal. Now a lot of society is too busy worrying about how they look on social media than about their emotional well being. The writing we do on a daily basis probably consists of emails, texts, social media status/photo captions, a few research projects, proposals, etc. None of that focuses on yourself or emotions.

The article explains the results of studies conducted by James Pennebaker, a professor at the University of Texas.

“In each study, Pennebaker found that the people who wrote about emotionally charged episodes experienced marked improvement in their physical and mental well-being. They were happier, less depressed and less anxious. In the months after the writing sessions, they had lower blood pressure, improved immune function, and fewer visits to the doctor. They also reported better relationships, improved memory, and more success at work.”

In a way, this blog has served as a outlet for me to share. Though I don’t write much about personal things or struggles I face, the writing process allows me to be creative. After my dad died in 2011 I found it was extremely difficult to share my thoughts and emotions. I was used to putting on a brave face and bottling up all emotions. There wasn’t anyone at that time in my life to fully comprehend my feelings so I would often compose emails to myself, essentially journaling how I felt, what I was thinking, the emotions I faced after losing him. It made it a little easier to face.

Now, when I face things like sadness or stress I write about it. It helps me, why not give it a try?

Until next post…xoxo Becca

p.s. If you experience a lot of stress, watch Kelly McGonigal’s TED Talk How to make stress your friend.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Growing Up


Maybe Peter Pan had the right idea; to never grow up and live in Neverland forever sounds like a dream! As I headed off to work last week I told the hubs, I wish someone would have stressed why I shouldn’t grow up too fast. Maybe if they’d said “Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!” I would have listened a little harder. I was always in a rush to be an adult. Even in college I rushed to graduate early so I could get that big girl paycheck. Let me tell you, adulting isn’t what you think.

Looking back, what did you want to be when you grew up? Are you what you wanted to be? Here are a few of mine.

Astronomer: Obsessed with the stars! I remember knowing all the major constellations and being able to point them out in the sky. I loved learning about the planets, the solar system, the sun…I loved it all. One Christmas I got a telescope “from Santa” and remember being so excited and wanting it to get dark so my parents and I could use it. I also remember year after year in school I hoped the teachers would cover the galaxy, but they never did.

Paleontologist: I had a dinosaur place mat growing up (what a funny thing to remember) and I could name all the dinosaurs and tell you loads of facts about each one. The thought of discovering something so old buried in the ground was exciting. You can really see my nerd side coming out. đŸ˜› Even now when we visit museums the fossils fascinate me. Like astronomy, I hoped my teachers would do a series on paleontology or archaeology. Archaeology was another area of interest for me.

Pictures taken on a trip to the Houston Museum of Natural Science in 2014

Writer: Around 4th or 5th grade I took an interest in reading and writing. Still to this day I can devour a novel in one sitting. Obviously at 9-12 years old I wasn’t reading novels, but during the summer I would blaze through a book and move onto the next. Reading is so relaxing and allows you to enter a world not your own and use that thing called an imagination! After reading so much I began writing short stories, mostly fiction and adventure. I could have been JK Rowling! Dang it! I still love reading and research. Nerd alert again haha

Dietitian: To be honest, I have no idea where this interest stems from. I like food, I like being healthy…maybe the combination of how food fuels the body is what drew me to this profession. Around my senior year of high school and into college this is what I found interesting, but I did not pursue it as a degree and maybe I regret that now, I’m not sure. Nutrition and making better choices when it comes to food is still important to me. Not saying I don’t eat pizza, all desserts, and anything covered in cheese, but making better choices more frequently than not is what I am getting at here.




I hope you learned something about me today. Did any of those career paths surprise you? Tell me what you wanted to be when you grew up. Until next post…xoxo Becca

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