Currently browsing: fall

Friday, October 16, 2015

Favorite Pin Friday | Volume 26

Hey everyone! I hope you’ve had a good week and have a fun weekend planned. The hubs and I are finally in the new place (after 3 days of non-stop moving). YAY! First off, if it wasn’t for really awesome and supportive friends it may have taken us more than 3 days. So many of them came to help move and it was really great! The new place is super cluttered at the moment, but I’m hoping to have a lot of time this weekend to tackle it. Enough about my week, lets get on with Favorite Pin Friday.

Here are two things I’ve pinned in the last week that caught my eye. Apparently I’m digging leopard for fall đŸ™‚

From Modern Vintage Boutique $39.00

What is your favorite fall print? Share it in the comments below.

Until next post…xoxo Becca

Monday, September 21, 2015

5 Ways To Invest in Fall

Dare I say the weather is “cooler” and of course by cooler I mean under 100. The last few days plus fall clothing ads have me all warm and fuzzy inside. It’s time to start building that fall wardrobe and filling my house with warm scents and baked goods. Here are 5 ways to start investing in fall!

1. Scarves


Forever 21


2. Layers

Forever 21





Old Navy

3. Boots




4. Spice Candles

5. Berry and/or Dark Lips

 Other finds

Banana Republic

Banana Republic

Forever 21



This post was much longer in length than I anticipated, but at least it was 90% photos đŸ™‚ What are your favorite fall clothes and accessories?

Until next post…xoxo Becca

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