Currently browsing: weekend recap

Monday, September 12, 2016

Weekend Recap: Football Season is Back

Weekends go by fast. What’s that about? Every weekend there are multiple events each day and it is hard to fit it all in. Some friends don’t get to see us, the hubs and I try our best to see everyone, but we are worn out from the constant going. Luckily we scheduled (yes, scheduled) to have Sunday at home watching football. Hellooooooo fall đŸ™‚ Now Mother Nature, would you please catch up with some cooler weather? I’m ready to wear my #NSale finds!

That explains exactly how I felt on Saturday. The hubs worked an extra job for boy’s bid day. For those of you who don’t know what bid day is, it is the final event of recruitment, the day the guys receive their bid from a fraternity. Afterwards all the fraternities host parties to celebrate their new members. Since I knew several of the fraternity members at the bid day party the hubs worked I went up to see them and hang out. Let me say…I.AM.OLD. sighhhh I kept wondering where the girls’ clothes were since the fabric covering them was so minimal and why they were acting so classless. Shocking! Mom-mode for sure!

Sunday, like I said, was set aside for football (and laundry). A friend wanted to learn how to plan Fantasy Football so the hubs started a league to teach with no pressure of wagers or smack talking. So far I have no idea what I am doing. Any tips are welcome! We grilled dinner and enjoyed the quiet day.

Are your weekends full like ours? How do you give yourself time to relax? Share in the comments below.

Until next post…xoxo Becca

Monday, July 25, 2016

Weekend Recap: Memory Lane College Edition

There’s nothing quite as good as doing things you used to do when life was simple. You know…before adulting kicked in!

In college and for the 3 years following graduation one of my best friends and I worked together, but we also had a lot of fun together. He’s in Houston now and we text all the time, but we don’t always get to see each other. With some vacation time to burn he decided to come visit and of course that meant happy hour and a trip to that once favorited bar! This time we opened the bar instead of closing it haha It was awesome to see him!



In college my roommate and I could talk for hours on end. We have a lot of great memories over the years. Now we’re both busy; she has two little boys and a job that requires a lengthy commute. We don’t see each other much, but when we do its like no time has passed. Saturday we scheduled to have lunch, 4 hours later we finally left the restaurant. Hopefully we can get together more often!



Sunday the hubs smoked a brisket (which has nothing to do with college) and we spent the day relaxing. Nice way to end a busy, fun filled weekend.

What college moments do you wish you could relive?

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